Friday, December 18, 2009

Facts vs. Hysteria

We, in our present form, have walked the earth for about 120,000 years. During that time there have been 20 sudden global warmings. In most of these sudden warmings the temperatures rose by about 18 degrees over a span of 20 years. Right now the Copenhagen Clowns are freaking out over a rise of 1.5 degrees in 100 years.

There have been about 142 mass extinctions since life began on the earth about 3.8 billion years ago. These mass extinctions were not caused by man. They were caused by nature.

Those goodies came from this column by Howard Bloom, author of "The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism" Here's another excerpt for you to ponder:

"What's the real cause of the Earth's norm--a climate that rocks back and forth from steamy tropical heat to icy freeze? A climate that deposits fossilized seashells on mountaintops and makes dry land into seas and swamps?

The Earth is a traveler. Its angle as it sweeps around the sun produces the massive weather flips we call seasons--the dance from summer to winter and back again. But there's more. Our planet has a peculiar wobble--its precession. And that precession produces upheavals in our weather, weather alterations we cycle through every 22,000, 41,000 and 100,000 years. This is called the Milankovich cycle, named for the Serbian engineer and geophysicist who discovered it.

But the wobbles in our trip around the sun are just a start. The sun is a traveler, too. It circles the black hole at the galaxy's core every 226 million years. And it takes its tiny flock of planets with it. That means us. The result?

The journey around the galactic core is fraught with dangers. For example, every 143 million years we pass through a spiral arm of the galaxy, an arm that tosses tsunamis of cosmic rays our way. Those rays produce massive climate change. Then there's the innocent-sounding stuff astronomers call galactic "fluff," massive clouds of cosmic dust lurking in our solar system's path that also cause dramatic climate change.

Meanwhile, the sun itself is going through a cycle from birth to death. As a result of its maturation, good old reliable sol is 43% warmer today than it was when the Earth first gathered itself into a globe of planetesimals 4.5 billion years ago."

Isn't it time for you to start studying this global warming stuff on your own? If there actually is a concerted attack being launched against Capitalism by tired old communists and socialist leading hoards of youngsters with no experience in the real world ... wouldn't you want to know about it?

This is a very dangerous time for our country and for the world. We have a president who is enamored of Karl Marx and communism; a president who is clearly of an anti-Capitalist bent; a president who referred to the private sector as the "enemy" in one of his books .. and that president is over there in Copenhagen at the epicenter of anti-capitalist furor right now trying to hammer out some kind of a deal. A deal to accomplish what? To stop the meanderings of the Earth around the sun? To make the sun stand still in the universe?

We elected an American Idol president who is now being exposed for the inexperienced academic he actually is.

Can I get a Sheesh!