Friday, October 31, 2008

If you're voting for Obama you're a racist.

So a liberal buddy of mine sent me a well-traveled email – one that argues that if Barack Obama had the same flaws as John McCain, he would be crucified. Meaning: the only reason McCain receives any support is because he's not black.

Which is intriguing – but asinine.

First of all, I always love how I`m told my judgment is inherently clouded by racism, according to people who don`t even know me. Fact is, I left the Aryan Brotherhood years ago. Even more, these jerks don`t realize I can use the very same argument on them. I mean, could it be their own innate and unconscious racism that`s causing them to believe I'm racist? I think shrinks call this "transference." These dopes are actually voting for Obama because THEY are racist - willing to overlook his inexperience and questionable judgment- in order to feel good about their own white liberal, pant-wetting guilt. Hence, their racism prevents them from comprehending anyone making a logical decision NOT to vote for Obama.

So this argument cuts both ways. I am not voting for him, because he's black. And you're voting for him - because he's black. But both cases are completely wrong. The fact is, if you're a liberal Democrat, you'd vote for Obama whether he was black or white (and, get this: he's both). But if you`re a conservative or a right-leaning libertarian, you wouldn`t vote for Obama whether he was black, white, or chartreuse. So when the left says the reasons behind your choice are racial instead of intellectual, it's way beyond arrogant, and bordering on an opinion that deserves a punch in the kisser. But that`s the beauty of stupidity – it knows no color.

And if you disagree with me, you`re probably a racist, xenophobic pig!