Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lipstick, Pigs, Paint and Turds

So to quote Reverend Wright, it looks like the chickens have come home to roost. Commenting on his Republican adversaries, Barack Obama used the phrase "lipstick on a pig," which has now created what he calls a "made-up controversy." He claims the McCain campaign seized "an innocent remark," taking it out of context "because they knew it's catnip for the news media."

Okay so we've got chickens, pigs and catnip. What is it about Obama and his lurid obsession with animals? More important, no unicorns. I simply hate the politics of exclusion.

Anyhoo, Can I be the first to say, "I adore his manufactured outrage."

"I adore his manufactured outrage."

So, let me get this straight: Barack is bent out of shape because his own words have been twisted to make him look like a mean-spirited sexist. But isn't this what his supporters have been doing to anyone who dare question Barack's own sainthood?

They tried to railroad Hillary as a bigot, they've seized every phrase uttered on Fox News as proof of racism, and the crap they've spewed about Sarah Palin defies any level of explanation. Obama-mites have spent the last two years making it clear that any criticism of their savior comes not from common sense, but from a darker place – that subconscious level where every single one of us is an undocumented member of the Aryan Book Club.

But here's the thing: I don't think Obama meant to call Sarah a pig. He was applying an old slang phrase meant to describe someone trying to gussy something up that's inherently bad. So Obama is innocent of the charge, I think. But I wonder if the leftwing media would be as fair to the right, if they had made the same mistake. I mean, in my opinion, when Obama's tries to camouflage his own foibles by shifting blame to others, he's simply "painting a turd" - to use an old phrase that's identical to "lipstick on a pig."

I wonder what Media Matters, the Huffington Post and Keith Olbermann thinks of that.

And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than Hitler.